Pawan Kalyan reached to London two days ago and is busy visiting the places as per schedules prepared for him. Meanwhile, the Power Star will interact with the students of various universities in London on 18th of November. Hitherto, while announcing the award, IEBF representatives lauded Pawan Kalyan’s selfless service to the society after meeting Pawan Kalyan at Janasena office then. The Janasena chief will be busy in active politics in the early first half of 2018. He wishes to get his party contested in all the constituencies of AP and Telangana in 2019. Pavan Diaz || Ramcharan Subscribe || TechTalkAction
Let’s find the answers The biggest change comes here is "Display" and design There's no much change here, as both them have a full metal body. 5T is ever so slightly longer, wider and heavier than the OnePlus 5, but not thicker. OnePlus 5 came with a 5.5-inch Optical AMOLED screen with 1080p resolution, where as OnePlus 5T is a 6.01-inch screen with 1080p resolution with an 18:9 aspect ratio, as opposed to the 16:9 ratio carried by the OnePlus 5. fingerprint scanner has been moved to the back this time with oneplus 5T. So the company has also removed the home button which sits below the screen. Oneplus 5T also comes with small bezles, round corner,It comes black, while the OnePlus 5 is available in both black and grey. Anyhow If someone asks me About "How it looks on hand", I would simply say "Sexy", like iphone X. camera : OnePlus has upgraded the camera on the 5T. While the hardware specifications of the camera...